The backstory...
The backstory...
In 2002. Spider Man just smashed the box office and Kelly Clarkson had just won American Idol. It was also the year I was born.
Now I'm at California State University-Sacramento, majoring in Design Studies, and ending out my fourth year.
I'm 22, turning 23 in 2025 and I'm feeling super nostalgic over old internet. Modern social media platform are really pissing me off lately with the ads and algorithms and stuff so a website like this that I have more control over makes sense.
I feel like I'm participating in the adulthood I was promised in the 2000s and 2010s.
I want this website to be a place free of ads and bots where we can just hang out and be super cool. Ya know, those digital third spaces people seem to be trying so hard to ban lately. :(
Stay and chill a while! Click around! I'll add things once I learn how to code them!